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Ep. 32 - Mini Series! Chit Chatting With Michelle! Self employed Mum in business & juggling motherhood!
MummaBfit Mini Series!
In this mini series I interview mums, just like you & I about the reality of parenting. The highs, lows and all the interesting bits in-between!
This week I am chit chatting with the...
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Ep. 30 - Mini Series! Chit Chatting With Corrinne! Non Sleeping Babies and Mum Guilt!
MummaBfit Mini Series!
In this mini series I interview mums, just like you & I about the reality of parenting. The highs, lows and all the interesting bits in-between!
Chit Chatting away with another awesome...
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Ep. 29 - Mini Series! Chit Chatting with Holly! Rage + Anxiety = Motherhood
MummaBfit Mini Series!
In this mini series I interview mums, just like you & I about the reality of parenting. The highs, lows and all the interesting bits in-between!
Chit Chatting with the amazing Holly! mum to...
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Ep. 28 - Chit Chatting with Me! - Interviewing myself
MummaBfit Mini Series!
In this mini series I interview mums, just like you & I about the reality of parenting. The highs, lows and all the interesting bits in-between!
Well for this podcast I thought I would...
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Ep. 27 - 5 min tit bit! #5 How to lose weight in January!
Listen up love, you do not need the faddy diets, shakes, powders, and food restrictions to lose weight. Put down the expensive food subscriptions, walk away from the latest "fat loss promise" and ignore the latest...
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Ep 26: Hey! You do you and I believe in you!
The last 6 weeks have been a total whirlwind but I am still here with a huge beaming smile on my face. I thought I would tell you all about it and perhaps make you realise that you too can do whatever you want to do....
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ep 25 - 2022, the year I got scammed
It is so easy to look at another persons life and think they have it easy, assume they don't know what its like the struggle or to not fully understand the backstory.
At the time of publishing this podcast I was in...
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Ep. 24 - 5 min tit bit! #4 Your personal review!
Take 5 to give yourself a pat on the back, how far have you come and where do you want to propel yourself too!
I don't to new years resolutions but I do have big, BIG, goals ahead!
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Ep. 23 - You've gotta Pivot!
Life + Kids = the flexibility to pivot!
You are not alone if it shocked you just how wild and relentless life with kids would be and you certainly are not selfish if you need "your time" and space.
Here is just an...
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Ep. 22 - 5 min tit bit! #3 - 6 weeks time
5 min tit bit! Where will you be in 6 weeks time if you behaved as you did last week? Think about it, actions are powerful
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Ep. 21 - Why is December weight loss so hard?!
Tis the season n all! Mince Pies, Christmas Cake, Work do's get togethers and family shindigs, its a recipe for dieting disaster. Listen to this on why you really should take the pressure and stress off.
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Ep. 19 - 5 min tit bit! Just say YES!
Sometimes things I have to say aren't really worth a full podcast, or perhaps I want to give you a few words of motivation, advice or just rant! 5 min tit bits are just that!
This one is about Just say YES!...
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