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The MummaBfit Podcast - Fitness, Nutrition & Motherhood.

The MummaBfit Podcast - Fitness, Nutrition & Motherhood.

Hosted by: Vicky Tidy from MummaBfit

Hi! I'm Vicky, a mum of 4 battling her way through day to day life, trying my hardest to not totally lose my shit and function as a respectable human being. I also own an awesome business called MummaBfit; exercise...

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Ep 43. How fast can I lose weight after pregnancy

One of the questions I get asked so much, how quickly can I lose the baby weight. Well, here is your answer.
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Ep 41. 'Ere we go again!

Ello Ello Ello! Its been a while! I'm back and no longer a mum of 3, but a mental mother of 4! A little bit of a life update, reintroduction and more typical Vicky rambles that you'd expect!
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Ep 42. How to find motivation

When you don't have a goal its hard to find the motivation to keep going but here I help you understand that you don't need a goal; its all in the feels!
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Ep 40. The scales are lying too you!

Step off the scales Janet and tuck them back in the cupboard. Whilst you're there dust off that tape measure and put it too good use! Here is why using the scales to track your weight loss is a BAD IDEA! If you have a...
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Ep 39. Chicken Nuggets ARE diet food!

Before you stab me with your pitch folk! Hear me out! Chicken nuggets and Pizzas are diet foods and YES you will loose weight on them! Even chocolate if you like!  Enjoy! and as always email me or drop me a DM if I...
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Ep 38. Weight Loss Jab, do I do it?

Controversial one here, but I decided to wade in with my thoughts on the weight loss jab. Yes it sounds easy, Yes it may give results (in theory) but is it the best way to go...? Enjoy my thoughts! As always, ask me a...
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Ep 37 Do I HAVE to calories count for weight loss?

A question I get as a lot, weight loss packages such as slimming world and the Cambridge diet look appealing because they don't count calories. But this podcast explains why you do need to count calories and why...
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Ep. 36 Why "trying to be good" doesn't work

You're offered curry, cake or biscuits and turn them down because you're trying to "be good" but this makes you miserable. Why is your goal not strong enough?! Saying no is making weight loss really fecking hard and...
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Ep. 35 - Cardio or Strength training for weight loss?

Exercise, its what we need for weight loss, right??! So what is best, Cardio of Strength Training or something else? Here is a really quick podcast for you about what exercise you should focus on for weight loss. Got...
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Ep. 33 - I'm back baby!!

Oft its been a wee while, hasn't it?! Allow me to reintroduce myself and talk to you about the last year and where things are going. Want me to cover anything? email me at [email protected]  Vicky xx
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Ep. 34 - Why didn't my January Diet work?

New Year New You didn't quite go to plan and you've been left frumpy, frustrated and feeling fat? I promise you aren't alone so here is a snippet of what I think might have happened. Do you have any questions or...
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Ep. 31 - Mini Series! Chit Chatting with Hayley! Exploring the hierarchy of motherhood

MummaBfit Mini Series! In this mini series I interview mums, just like you & I about the reality of parenting. The highs, lows and all the interesting bits in-between!  Chit Chatting with Hayley!  This episode,...
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