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Ep. 7 - 3 Reasons why you struggle to stick to your diet.
Do you ever find yourself yoyo-ing back n forth the diet wagon? Do you wonder why you find it so hard to stick to your diet despite your goal to lose weight and desire to be small is so so strong? In this episode I...
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Ep. 6 - How to achieve a thigh gap
Remember the 90's trend of the thigh gap? Well given the chub rub that occurs when wearing a skirt is it any wonder we lust after one? Here I tell you have you too can achieve a thigh gap!
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Ep. 5 - Motherhood + Sleep deprivation = hard weight loss!
Find me a mother that is not sleep deprived. Those looooonnnnnggggg nights feeling like you are the only soul awake at 3am and struggling the next day to keep it together let alone not faceplant a few bars of...
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Ep. 4 - Popular weight loss industry diets and the BS behind them
We are flooded with diet industries promising quick fix diets left right and center, they prey on our insecurities and promise to transforms our bodies the quickest and easiest way possible with little time and...
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Ep. 3 - 6 weight loss rules to live by!
Whenever we think of the word "diet" we imagine starting gym memberships, chowing down on kale 24/7 and canceling our social life because scoffing pasta is no longer a thing! NO! FORGET ALL THAT! I am here to give you...
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Ep. 2 Motherhood & Weight Loss, it ain't no picnic
Oh my word; weight loss and motherhood do not go hand in hand, well not easily any way. It takes time, understanding and flexibility. Oh my a lot of flexibility. Let me ramble on and explain a little more
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Ep 1: Who the hell am I and why are you listening to me?!
Oh my word! I have a podcast, no idea how I got to this point but here I am!
In this episode I have rambled on all about me! What I am about, why I am here and what I do.
Enjoy! x
P.S - I do swear here n there!...
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