The reality wasn't pretty
Jan 29, 2025
The last year was a bit of a shock!
As you know, I’m nearly 5 months postnatal. It feels surreal to say that; I catch myself reflecting back in disbelief. This time last year, I had no idea I was already nearly 6 weeks pregnant. Baby Bow wasn’t even on our radar. In fact, it was this weekend last year when I passed on all of Ollie’s old baby stuff to my friend's sister.
But here she is. 🥰
This time last year, I had just returned to personal training sessions with clients and started focusing on my own fitness. I dug out of the wardrobe those clothes I really wanted to wear again—the old favorite jeans that felt snug and that top which was a bit questionable before but now is a total no-go.
I became more conscious of calories and decided that 2024 would be the year I brought my body back to something I was proud of—feeling strong, looking good in fitness gear, and not stressing about going out.
But things didn't quite go to plan did they?
Well, we all know what happened next; life had other plans, and I grew outwards rather than shrinking down.
Now, one year on, I find myself back at that point again—everything in my personal life seems to be on a delayed schedule!
Before Christmas, I tried to get back into the weight loss game, but it was a total fail. Well, 'fail' is the wrong word. If it were a client talking to me, I'd tell them off for using such language. I had a newborn! Weight loss should have been the last thing on my mind. Needless to say, weight loss didn’t happen, my activity levels hit an all-time low, and exercise? Never heard of it, mate!
But that's okay. I'm keen to take the pressure off myself and recognize when to give myself grace.
I wouldn't let any client beat themselves up over it so why beat myself up?
However, last week something just clicked. I hit that point where enough was enough. I felt grim—no other way to put it. I don’t need to be the prettiest in the room, the strongest in the gym, or even wear the smallest clothing size among my friends. What I do want is to feel happy and confident in myself. I want to stop worrying about tight clothes, pinching, or looking like I need to lose a few pounds.
So, last week, I faced the dreaded task: I measured and weighed myself. 😱 It's the part we all hate—facing up to reality.
Yep, it wasn’t pretty. I'm the biggest and heaviest I've ever been. There's no point in questioning why or getting frustrated. I love food, I overeat, I don’t move as much as I should, and oh yeah, I just had a baby!
Time to move on and do something about it! Because if I don't, when it's warm and I want to wear shorts, ditch the hoodie, and go out in fewer layers, I'll only get cross with myself for not starting sooner.
Fancy doing it together? accountability and support is the biggest thing to help pull you through.
Wanna join me?
I'm doing my own course, following my own steps and advice. One week in, and I already feel better—less sluggish, less bloated, and less 'bleurgh'. 🙂
PowerStart⚡ is my 8-week weight loss plan—a simple, realistic program designed to help both you and me drop a few dress sizes and feel fab!
All the details are just a click away below!
Lets do this together!
Vicky x