The last thing an exhausted mother wants to do
Apr 06, 2024
The last thing you want to do when feeling overwhelmed and exhausted in motherhood
It the time of writing this it is 07:56 in the morning and I am sat up in bed on my laptop. Ollie is next to me watching Paw Patrol (he's only seen this episode 25,894 times) i've fed the dog and had a cup of tea. Oh and i've been awake since 5am.
I've logged on, updated my banking, seen 2 new clients have booked on - Whoop Whoop and I am now writing this.
Dare I say it I am feeling slightly smug and like a proper adult?!
Super Woman ay?! Why can't everyone be like me.
NO! No I am not.
Firstly let me be the first to tell you I am one to sit on my phone, in a huge scroll hole, ignoring all the to-do bits around me, ignoring the emails piling up in my inbox and probably getting grumpy at the kids for interrupting the reel I'm watching about horse shoeing or nail design.
- As it is Ollie has just jumped up and asked for a cuddle, I obliged of course because Ollie cuddles are the best.
I would love to be one of those people who get stuff done regardless, make it to the gym when feeling sleepy, who pre prep dinner to save time or ALWAYS put their clothes away at night so the bedroom doesn't look like a - interrupted by another cuddle - ransacked Oxfam shop, but I am not.
However, getting it done does feel good...
We all know this. I aint telling you something you don't know, getting it done and stopping the procrastination is good for the soul and does give that sense of accomplishment.
I am the sort of person who needs to feel like they have a purpose and gets gratification and satisfaction from getting things done and not feeling like time has been wasted. PJ days are great at the weekends but I will be the first at 3pm to utter the words "it feels a bit like a wasted day"
I think I felt inspired to write this blog when I went down to feed the dog, outside its dry and one could almost be mistaken the sun is pushing through (it wont, it'll rain) and I thought about how nice it would be to go for an early dog walk if the kids weren't here. Then I caught myself thinking "na, i'll go back to bed instead" BUT I also know how much better it would feel to get up and out and some fresh air.
Anyways; I did go back upstairs to find Ollie and I laid back down in bed and picked up my phone to scroll on insta whilst he watched the most irritating dogs known to man - IYKYK. But as you can see I stopped myself. I grabbed my laptop and i've given myself 1 hour to get some bits done.
I know that I wont have to squeeze these bits in later, I wont be in my office until 10pm again tonight and I've actually achieved something.
This is motherhood to a T.
Each morning after a rubbish nights sleep the last thing you want to do is get out and be sociable. In my world even more so the last thing you want to do is exercise. But sometimes choosing the easy option is not the best for our mental health. Yes down days are needed, but when does the odd down day become every day?
When does the slippery spiral of feeling lonely, fed up and stuck inside take over the desire of a down day and become a down mood? When does the self induced isolation get to much?
As you probably know, I have 3 kids, 4th on the way 😱 and staying home when the kids are driving me nuts, when I am exhausted and can't be bothered is my go too.
But the hot stuffy suppressing walls of the house actually make me feel so much worse and I have become to recognise this.
I get to that point where I am actively fed up of watching life through reels and insta posts, my social media phone time is embarrassingly high and feel frustrated and cross at not getting out and making my own life. Regardless of how much of a ball ache it is to get the 2 smalls out of the house.
Life outside is always better then life inside.
So that's why I am writing this now.
Because I am up (well sat in bed) I am switched on, I am awake and I feel in control. Not sluggish, sleepy and low.
...Ollie cuddle interruption...
With the nicer days coming - 🌞 its about bloody time - try getting up and out of the house.
When you feel overwhelmed, exhausted and like you can't be bothered some times giving yourself some tough love and a kick up the bum is what you need to do.
You're not masking those feelings of frustration, upset or exhaustion but you are giving yourself the best chance to start feeling better.
Exercise or movement is a hugely underrated tool and I would argue as effective as medication. I remember once with Elliot, on a really really, really dark day I took him for a walk when he was about 3 months old to the park. I sat on a bench and balled my eyes out. It felt better than crying at home to be honest; I didn't change how I felt but the fresh air and feeling of accomplishment at getting out did help.
I've had mums come into class just to sit and watch whilst patiently waiting for a cup of tea.
I've had countless mums walking in and burst into tears in utter frustration and anger at being exhausted, child screaming or partner being a kn0b; being out and safety in numbers is better than being at home.
How did we get to writing a blog early to mental health?
My point it this; when you least feel like getting up, getting out or that you don't want to be doing the do... you NEED TO DO IT.
Ollie cuddle...
You have to help yourself. Take the small steps; get showered, get dressed, brush your teeth.
Can you call a friend? Can you walk to the shops to get milk? Can you sit in garden? Can you go try a class for free - I mean why not? Freebies get you out so make the most of it.
Right now the kids are up and running around, Elliot has just shouted "put the felt tips down Ollie" and its probably best I feed my feral 2.
Have a nice day!
p.s - come try our classes, we offer free trial. I promise being up out and moving your body will leave you feeling a 1000 times better.