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Embracing the Journey: Why Weight Loss After Childbirth is Hard

basingstoke mum and baby exercise classes new mum weight loss Mar 09, 2024

Embracing the Journey: Why Weight Loss After Childbirth is Hard

Motherhood takes on changes no one warned you about. 

Bringing a new life into the world is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and fulfilling experiences a woman can have. Where motherhood came naturally to you or is something you struggle with becoming a mum does have so many wonderful plus points.

However, amidst the joy and wonder of motherhood, there lies a journey that many find unexpectedly challenging: weight loss as a new mum or truth be told weight loss after childbirth, regardless of the age of your child is hard.

Despite the societal pressure to bounce back to pre-baby weight effortlessly, the reality is far from easy. It's time to shift the narrative and offer compassion to the women navigating this demanding journey.


As a new mum your life transforms in ways you never imagined.

Suddenly, your days are consumed with nappy changes, feedings and nap times. When little one naps you don’t sit and relax, you zoom around like a blue arsed fly and get house jobs done.

The idea of carving out time for yourself seems like a distant dream as you prioritise the needs of your little one above your own.

The exhaustion that accompanies caring for a newborn can feel overwhelming, leaving you with little energy to focus on anything else, let alone shedding those extra pounds.


Until is comes to picking out what to wear, or a social event.


In the midst of this whirlwind, the pressure to reclaim your pre-pregnancy body can weigh heavily on your shoulders.

We all do it, we scroll through social media, bombarded with images of celebrities flaunting their post-baby bodies, seemingly effortlessly.

It's easy to fall into the comparison trap, feeling inadequate or like you're somehow failing because your journey looks different.

You think to yourself, right tomorrow the diet starts. However tomorrow you awake from only  2 hours sleep, feeling like crap and requiring copious amounts of sugar to keep you going.


But here's the truth: weight loss after childbirth is hard, and that's okay and completely normal.


Your body has undergone a huge transformation, and it's only natural that it will take time to adjust.

If you were unlikely to get morning sickness and found yourself eating your way through it or your body ballooned with pregnancy you may be finding your weight loss mountain to scale is even bigger than you imagined.

Not only this but Breast Feeding sat on the sofa leads a lot of mums to pick at food, having zero time to eat your lunch leads to snacking whilst suddenly work meetings are swapped for coffee and cake in costa with mum friends.

Rather than viewing this journey as a race to reach a certain number on the scale, embrace it as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.


Life has changed and embracing is better than fighting it.


Instead of berating yourself for not fitting into your pre-pregnancy jeans, celebrate the incredible feat your body has accomplished. It carried and nurtured a baby for nine months, and that deserves to be honoured.

Shift your focus from achieving a specific aesthetic to prioritizing your overall well-being.

Small steps will make a huge difference rather than trying to focus on a regimented task.


  • Drink more liquid so you aren’t dehydrated and feeling hungry.
  • Try to sleep (when you can)
  • Swap some of the snacks you are picking at for options more aligned with your weight loss goals.
  • Walk more, swap coffees meet up for strolls around the park.
  • If clothes don’t fit and money allows, get some that do fit and don’t leave you feeling flabby and fed up.
  • Join a mum and baby exercise class like mine or my online option. Exercise can help you feel amazing and the difference you will see in your body will happen quicker than you think. 


Remember, self-care isn't selfish—it's essential. Take small steps to prioritize your health, whether it's going for a walk with your baby in the  buggy, some exercise, or nourishing your body with wholesome, nourishing foods.

Find moments of joy and gratitude amidst the chaos of motherhood, and give yourself permission to embrace the journey, bumps and all.


Above all...

Above all, be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can in a world that demands perfection.

Your worth is not determined by the number on the scale or the size of your jeans. You are strong, resilient, and capable of incredible things, both as a mother and as a woman.

So, the next time you catch a glimpse of your reflection and feel that pang of self-doubt, remind yourself of the amazing thing your body has achieved and just how fabulous you are.

Your body may bear the marks of motherhood, but each stretch mark and scar tells a story of love, sacrifice, and strength.

Embrace the changes, honour the journey, and above all, cherish the incredible privilege of being a mother.


You are enough, just as you are.