Mum guilt & the act of juggling!
Jun 20, 2024
How many balls are flying in the air?
Are you juggling them all?
I'm writing this email to you Wednesday late afternoon. My house has been the house plagued by the horrible virus going again. Headaches, body aches, chills and feeling like you've been hit by a bus. Its the gift that keeps on giving. It lingers for around 2 weeks and comes back when it fancies.
Ollie has also been hit by tonsillitis again and a pretty nasty bout this time; standard for him - whenever he is ill regardless what it is; his big old tonsils get it.
This morning I was chatting to an old client who lives in the next road down, I often see her on the nursery run outside my house and today we chatted about going back to work, the home/work life balancing act and how hard it is. Not to mention everything else that is thrown in and the house looking like a tip.
Something I, and I know you reading, this will probably resonate with so much.
There's just always something that needs to be done!
Take today for example, Ollie is still really run down and poorly. He's got no voice, not really wanting food but his temp has decreased and hes a bit more alert. This morning I left him in my bed watching Paw Patrol. - If I never have to watch that programme again it wont be a day too soon!
Ollie was perfectly happy. But where was I? Downstairs washing up as everything from the day before as we'd left it all to pile up. I also stripped the elder son's bed because he too is off sick and his pit stinks, I hung some washing and cleared up the kitchen.
Ollie was fine & I didn't hear a peep out of him; but the guilt I felt that I wasn't laid there giving him cuddles was huge. But the housework needed to be done.
The mum juggling act!
After I had done everything brought him down and he asked for a snack which he sat on the sofa happily eating, with more Paw Patrol, whilst I hung yet more washing. Fast forward and hour and Ollie is next to me on the sofa, engrossed in Paw Patrol and the Mayor of foggy bottom has created yet more hell; and I'm sat there on my phone replying to some urgent emails. The guilt once more that I am not focused on him, but alas he's happy.
Ollie then went down for a nap, at which point I just wanted to sleep. But no, I sat down and worked out the juggle of childcare over the summer holidays. I have to work. I have PT clients and all the behind the scenes work stuff to do. But again, the guilt of 3 times a week putting the kids in to childcare, to this aunt, that aunt, this friend helping out etc etc.
The juggle. The juggle is real!
Lets not get onto evenings; as soon as the kids go to bed its walk the attention deprived dog, clear up the kitchen and log back on to work.
Where is my time in all this?
My friend has invited me over for dinner tomorrow, i'm going, but not without the juggle first. The get the kids sorted for bed and hand over to hubby as he walks in and I walk out; then its the guilt of not spending time with him.
It's just nuts.
Funny story...
It's now Friday night and I am finishing off this email. Life took over, the poorly children, housework, dog walk... In fact Wednesday night I LOST MY SHIT over it all and stormed out with the dog. I just had enough of the mental load.
Then Thursday I spent all arvo and night in A&E. Oscar has had an odd lump pop up on his sternum, turns out its non threatening and something we have a follow up appointment for and diagnoses - he also apparently has scoliosis - but its more things to juggle and sort!! And I never made it too my friends for dinner.
Tonight Ollie is ill again and I think his tonsillitis has become strep A, hubby and I focused on him, the dog never made it too the vets and Elliot was so good waiting over an hour for his dinner.
In all of this I have noticed the serious importance of making time for myself, I am going to make a point of scheduling it in and making sure it happens. I need too, for my own sanity.
Anyways, tonight I have launched something new and fabulous for Mummas! Click the button below and take a peak, perhaps you can do something for you too?!